Friday, March 26, 2010

"Continue your work".

I may not always know what I want,
but I always know what I do NOT want,
and by process of elimination and exclusion,
I discover a new world!
and discover.
Note to self:
“Continue your work.” 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Change your attitude and you'll change your latitude.

In this picture, this statue looks gigantic.
Actually, it was only 3 feet tall.
I laid down on the floor and took the picture looking up at it, 
thus making the statue seem huge.
Sometimes all it takes, is to change your point of view!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Have a magical day!

Magical creatures. 
Messengers, between this reality and the unseen world...
a world of possibilities....
Have a magical day!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The secret is in the details.

A stylist’s touch.
The difference between good and great is “an eighth of an inch”
That’s what Ralph Lauren would say during fittings, when I worked for him.
Perfection is in the details. 
In this picture above, a stylist removes lint from a pant, on set of a 3 day catalog photo shoot I just finished. 
Well done Brian! (Brian Primeuax, stylist, Art Mix, LA)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vestige of Time

We are so obsessed with staying young.
And yet with age comes
Enjoy the trip!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Take care of yourself

This  blind  beggar 
would have a perfect excuse for looking disheveled
and not take care of himself.
And yet, he is dignified and well dressed: 
The leather cap, the sandals, the vest, the bag,...
Take care of yourself.
Don’t be a victim!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just passing through...

Life is fleeting.

Have you ever had a moment....
.....and then missed it.
Like.... when you feel like saying something to someone,
and you don’t say anything,
and then regret it.
Be present in every moment around you
there’s life everywhere
see it
feel it
grab it
before it passes by.
We’re just passing through...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Truth and Beauty

As beautiful as these masks are,
they hide and conceal one’s true self.
Truth cannot be masked,
eventually your true colors will shine. 
Be honest.
Be authentic!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Draping Class?

A course in fashion draping?
For some women this is a typical and ordinary, daily way of dressing. 

Next time you moan: “What am I going to wear?”....count your fashion blessings. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

You will never have this day again

In view of recent earthquakes, we must stop, reflect and appreciate life. 
Each precious conscious moment.
Each heartbeat.
Each breath.

You will never have this day again.

Monday, March 1, 2010

An Ensemble of Symbols

Every item you wear is a symbol representing something.
(note in detail all the symbols this man is wearing!)
With time and practice you can learn to “read” people.  
What you wear says something about you
And through your clothing you speak to the world. 
What do YOU want to say?

Mastering Fashion Design: The Power of Attention to Detail

  ~~ "Mastering Fashion Design: The Power of Attention to Detail — Insights from Ralph Lauren: from Good To Great” In the world of fash...