Showing posts with label fashion branding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion branding. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2020

SARTORIAL: What does it mean? (if you were a tailor, you'd know)

 SARTORIAL: what does it mean?
Check out the video on mu YouTube channel:

Want to learn Fashion Designing ONLINE:
Fashion Premier Academy at:
Learn on your own time schedule...
and save tuition money!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Want to Learn fashion Design for FREE?

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Demos in Draping, Sketching, Pattern Making, Branding, Marketing, Social Media, and much more.
Full Courses available at FASHION PREMIER ACADEMY

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Fashion Marketing Strategy

"Fashion Marketing Strategy"
~ a preview (on YouTube) from one of my Online Courses

~ here's the link:

This Course is about developing and implementing strategies for a strong and successful Fashion Brand
It is designed to inspire you, educate you and support you to create a powerful individual Brand.

Here is the link to Fashion Premier Academy where you will find this Course and many others:  

If you are passionate about Fashion Design, and believe in yourself and your company, then you must promote, market and sell your fashion designs to the marketplace, in a successful, empowering, and financially rewarding way -- start your journey!

Taking your designs from the runway and to the customer is a journeyfilled with many questions that need to be answered accurately in order for a Brand to succeed.  This Course will guide you and direct you to make the right decisions and choices: deciding which channels to use in Media Use and Social media is important when implementing the right vehicles to communicate your message to your customer.
Having a consistency in your Brand Identityis very important: from your Logo, to Stationary, to Websites, Blogs, online presence, etc... it all must be consistent -- one voice, one vision. And speaking of vision, this Course will encourage you to explore your vision and your purpose for your Brand.  This will be your driving force throughout the process of establishing yourself as a major player on the fashion stage.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

As mentioned in:



Online classrooms present particular challenges for students seeking hands-on skills — but creative solutions are on the horizon.



Pre-recorded videos are one of the obvious solutions and taking a page from online instructor Nino Via's handbook might be helpful. He teaches pattern-making, draping, sketching, collection development courses on Fashion Premier Academy, an e-learning platform. 

"Use good visual editing tools to highlight close-up details clearly and explicitly of the technique that's being demonstrated," he says. "Anticipating students' questions, I focus specifically on certain areas of design in the video that support students to achieve the objectives of the class."

Friday, December 14, 2018

Want to turn your fashion ideas into a fashion collection? Check out my new website:  -- learn the steps necessary to design and develop your fashion collection and launch your own brand!

Mastering Fashion Design: The Power of Attention to Detail

  ~~ "Mastering Fashion Design: The Power of Attention to Detail — Insights from Ralph Lauren: from Good To Great” In the world of fash...